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Combined SSC and ELAC

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Combined School Site Council and English Learners Advisory Committee

Parents and families are encouraged to get involved at Marin’s Community School in several ways. In addition to attending our family events, responding to calls, meeting with school staff, and supporting your student at home, we need parents to serve on two committees to support our school program to best serve our students. Each school in California must have an elected School Site Council (SSC) to represent parents, students, community members, and school staff in the school governance process, as well as an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC), to advise and consult on school programs that serve our English Learner students. At Marin’s Community School, we combine the SSC and the ELAC into one working group because of our small size. Once we have elected the committee, we will conduct training to ensure that each member knows his or her legally required duties. The responsibilities of our combined committee are:

  • To conduct a needs assessment for all students, including English Learners
  • To review and analyze student achievement data
  • To gather input from the community on our Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP)
  • To monitor the implementation of our LCAP
  • To advise school staff on the development of programs and services for English Learners

To serve on this committee, you must be elected by other parents. If you would like to run for one of the two positions available, please contact Saul Godinez,, 415-491-6613. We will text ballots to parents at the end of August and hold in-person elections at the school on Back to School Night each year.

MEETING DATES- The agenda will be provided 72 hours prior to the meeting date. 

This meeting will be held in-person for committee members. If you would like to participate and are not a committee member, you may do so via Zoom. Esta reunión será presencial para los miembros del Comité. Si desea participar en la reunión y no es miembro del comité, puede asistir a través de Zoom.

SSC/ELAC AGENDA - December 3, 2024



Banner for the Combined School Site and English Learners Committee

Banner for the School Site Council in Spanish

Who is on your SSC/ELAC Committee:
Administration Representatives
Katy Foster| Principal
Saul Godinez| Family Empowerment Specialist
Union (Staff) Representatives
Mayra Jaramillo | CSEA Representative
Ryan Scott| MCEA Representative
Parent Representatives
Jade Prospero| Parent Representative
Sandra Calderon| Parent Representative

Araceli Diaz| Parent Representative

Student Representatives
Britney Renoj| Student Representative